Preventive, Curative, and Palliative Care


Nurses, caregivers, and senior care providers in Orange County, California, have a significant role in disease prevention, cure, and palliative care for seniors.

Nurses work to prevent risk factors for disease through patient education. Preventive care focuses on preventing illnesses and promoting overall general health and well-being.

Curative care involves treatment intended to alleviate the symptoms or cure a current medical condition. The roles of a certified nursing assistant in California include pain management, functionality retention, and improvement of the quality of life for patients.

Palliative care involves the care of patients at the end of life due to an incurable medical condition. A certified caregiver works with physicians and other medical professionals to diagnose, treat, and provide care for individuals with terminal medical issues. They also help patients and families deal with the condition by providing information, support, and access to counseling services.

Patients with more severe will require one-on-one care. They are the most vulnerable to fall risks and other hazards, and can become weak and immobile. And our professional nurses and caregivers at Care Art Homecare can provide such a service.

For assisted living and effective medication management for seniors at home, call us at 949-685-2554.

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