What Are Simple Ways to Improve Mobility in Seniors?


Mobility is essential to senior health as it enables them to maintain their independence and participate in various activities. Several factors ranging from joint problems, muscle weakness, and neurological difficulties contribute to mobility problems in older adults. In addition to receiving skilled nursing, here are ways to improve mobility in seniors:

  • Encourage daily exercise.

    Gentle exercises like walking, swimming, and ballroom dancing increase balance and coordination while easing arthritis symptoms in seniors. Those with more severe mobility issues can receive assistance from a certified home health aide to perform doctor-recommended exercises like chair stretches or yoga.

  • Adjust the living space.

    To increase mobility at home, make sure your loved one has plenty of clear, walking space. Install devices like railings and grab bars to make it easier for seniors to navigate their homes. Improve the lighting and make sure the home is free from clutter and similar trip hazards.

  • Choose the appropriate walking aid.

    Your loved one’s healthcare provider can recommend the most ideal walking or mobility aid. Make sure the walking aid is comfortable and easy to use. If it causes pain or is too cumbersome, it will likely discourage the senior from using it.

  • Encourage a healthy diet.

    In addition to transportation, a home care provider can help seniors maintain a balanced diet. Seniors who are overweight may need to talk to their provider to figure out a diet that works best for their nutritional needs and will help them lose weight.

Care Art Homecare is a trusted provider of exceptional and trustworthy home care in Orange County, California. For more information about our services and service areas covered, get in touch with us.


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